HydroChrome (Solo)
This is the first game I designed and built in Unity using C#.
The premise of the game is that a fairy, Lia, is trying to bring color to a black and white world by summoning colorful raindrops. As she moves raindrops fall and she can summon them to her current square. She also has umbrellas and walls that she can use as tools to control which squares get painted.
5 week project, evenings and weekends
Developed a game design document
Wrote scripts in C# to implement mechanics and game play
Developed progression of 8 levels
Created all sprites and artwork

Hydrochrome main title screen
Use the arrow keys to move around the grid
Press the space bar to summon colors to you
If multiple colors are summoned, they mix
Large raindrops paint more squares
Certain number of moves available per level
Certain number of mistakes per game depending on difficulty; when all mistakes are used the game is over
Some levels have required colors
Bonus zones allow for double points
Bonus color also allows for double points
Large raindrops splash when they finish falling and paint the grid
Umbrellas prevent a square from being painted (if you want to prevent a tile being painted the wrong color)
Walls protect a square and paint the square before the wall instead; can help prevent colors from mixing